The code for this is:
data gnu ;
@1 clinic $char5.
@7 report_date date9.
@19 readmit_rate 3.1
format report_date monyy7. ;
datalines ;
north 31may2012 0.8
north 30jun2012 0.2
north 31jul2012 0.3
west 31may2012 0.0
west 30jun2012 0.0
west 31jul2012 0.0
run ;
options orientation = landscape ;
ods html path = "c:\temp" (URL=NONE)
body = "deleteme.html"
(title = "Axis Problems")
proc sgplot data = gnu ;
hbar report_date / response = readmit_rate ;
by clinic ;
xaxis grid /* values = (0 to .1 by .1) */ ;
yaxis grid ;
run ;
ods _all_ close ;